Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow day #4

So excited to have finally figured out how to create my own custom blog appeal! Usually I am seeking the help from my creative/extremely talented coworker (and friend) Kelsenator/Big Red! Not this time! I even figure out how to add a custom signature too! Create one of these sigs here or find some trendy backgrounds and other blog goodies here That's what I've done so far on this snow day #4! Actually, that's not true...I made snow ice cream...french toast...and watched Gromit play in the snow a bit. He was not ever still enough for pictures. I did venture out to work yesterday, but the drive was awful (even tho I had a chauffeur).


  1. Cool new background & fonts. Well, as for the snow, it's over (at least for another couple days--yikes!)
